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Aus- und Weiterbildung - Inhouse

In-house offers

The aim of training courses is to impart a certain previously defined area of knowledge.
They serve the purpose of professional development and further education.

  • Inhouse training courses are held directly at your company and are designed to meet the needs of your company.
  • You determine the topic and the focus.
  • You obtain a uniform level of knowledge in your team.
  • At the same time, you qualify a large number of your employees cost-effectively.
  • You determine the date, place and duration of the training.
  • You do not incur any additional expenses. Travel and accommodation costs for your employees are eliminated.
  • Various in-house trainings
    - Sauna training in theory & practice
    - Infusion training in theory & practice
    - Fitness training in theory & practice
    - Team training in theory & practice etc.

Medical basics training

Health seminars for companies (forwarding link

BGM / Events - Link to their health experts